Visitor Information
All are welcome at First Lutheran Church. When you attend worship with us, please fill out a visitor card located in the pews. This helps us get to know you and your interests. We can also send information about ministry programs here at First Lutheran.
Be sure to take a complimentary green coffee mug hanging near the welcome stations. These mugs are our gift to you. They are also filled with additional info about the church.
We understand that taking communion in an unfamiliar church setting can make people nervous. However, at First Lutheran, all believers are welcome to participate in communion. Directions are given during each service about how communion is carried out.
New Membership Classes
If you’re interested in becoming a member of First Lutheran Church, we invite you to participate in a series of New Membership Classes. These are typically held during two different times of year. Classes are usually held during the education hour on Sunday mornings (9:55-10:50 a.m.) for four consecutive weekends. For more information, call the church office at 308-237-5544 or office@firstlutherankearney.org.
More Classes available contact us for more details! We look forward to hearing from you.
Contact the church office for more information
(308) 237-5544.