First Lutheran has many ministry opportunities for you to reach out and help your neighbor – whether that’s within the congregation, the community, the state, or the world as a whole.

Compass has partnered with the Global Orphan Project to bring an innovative approach to empowering churches and individuals to engage in the child welfare system in Nebraska. This life-changing project brings the needs of hurting children and families in the Kearney area to your attention. When you sign up through Care Portal, you agree to receive emails and communication with opportunities to help individuals in need. It could be financial assistance, material donations, or similar requests. You can then choose to respond if you feel called to help in each instance. Click here for more information. Contact the church office if you’d like to be involved in this ministry opportunity.

Helping Hands is a part of our Women of the ELCA (WELCA) program. These women provide meals for special church-related functions, such as Lenten Dinners and funerals. For more information on how to get involved with Helping Hands, contact the church office.

First Lutheran donates each month to this local food pantry and during the month of January volunteers from FLC bring and serve meals every Thursday evening.

First Lutheran helps support Mtakuja Secondary School in Tanzania. Check out our Global Missions bulletin board in the hallway near the office for recent communication with our Tanzanian brothers and sisters in Christ.

At least one Saturday each year First Lutheran members are assigned to help work and serve lunch at local Habitat for Humanity work sites.  Saturday, June 17, 2023, is First Lutheran Church’s designated day to help with Habitat for Humanity.  We will supply the morning devotion, noon meal and help with extra volunteers!

SAFE CENTER “Sharing Shelf”

First Lutheran Church has began collecting “donations of the month” for the Safe Center.  Check with the church office to see what this month’s donation is and support those affected by dating violence, domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault and stalking.


Kearney Community Resources

Click this link for information: Summer 2024 Kearney Area Camps & Activities