Sunday School 

Middle School Sunday School is held Sunday mornings throughout the school year during the Education Hour (9:50-10:50 am). Classes are taught by volunteers in the church.

Sunday School begins August 18, 2024. Register for Sunday School HERE!


Confirmation classes begin August 28, 2024 and runs every Wednesday evening from 6:50 to 7:55 p.m. 

  • 6th and 7th grade Large Group 6:50 p.m. to 7:25 p.m.*
  • Small groups 7:25 p.m. to 7:55 p.m.*
  • 8th grade 6:50 p.m. to 7:55 p.m.*

The eighth grade concentrates solely on the Catechism and preparing themselves for confirmation in the fall. The sixth and seventh graders meet in large group to get a basis for discussion; this is led by Pastoral staff and dedicated volunteers. The sixth and seventh graders then split into small groups where there are 5-9 youth per adult or two adults and further discussion takes place. The eighth grade follows the same routine.

*Meeting times will vary during Advent & Lent. Dates will be updated on the Church Calendar

Confirmation Camp

Each summer, our middle school youth have the opportunity to attend camp at Camp Carol Joy Holling.