Learn more about the importance of volunteering

Click here to learn more about the various ministry teams at First Lutheran.

are wanted for Sunday morning services. If you are interested in being a part of this ministry one Sunday a month, please call the church office. Youth are encouraged to sign up too. Training is available.

are needed for Sunday mornings. A great way to enjoy the fellowship and be a service to others.  Contact the office if you have any questions.

First Lutheran Church is currently looking to fill a few open volunteer positions as Communion Assistants. Volunteers are asked to serve communion once a month. Training is provided. If the Communion Assistant is unable to serve at their scheduled time, we ask that they find a replacement, and contact the church office to let them know of the change.
Please CHECK IN at the Usher table located at the center door when you arrive.
2 Communion Assistants will be at each station. One person for bread; one person for wine. Those serving bread may say: “The body of Christ given for you.” Those serving wine may say: “The blood of Christ shed for you.”
If you would like to receive training, contact the church office at: 308-237-5544 or email office@firstlutherankearney.org. Thank you for your consideration in serving the congregation in this very meaningful way.

Honor God by remembering someone you love and beautify the sanctuary at the same time. The altar flowers sign up sheet can be found in the hallway outside the office.

Live radio broadcasts of our Sunday Morning Worship Service can be heard on KXPN 1460 AM. Every Sunday the Worship Radio Broadcast is solely sponsored by you, our members. People from all over central Nebraska tune in to the 8:45 a.m. broadcast to listen. They may be searching for a second opinion on a theological question or maybe they are just being fed by what they hear in God’s Word. We need your support! If you would like to sponsor a Sunday near an important anniversary or birthday or event, or simply in gratitude for your many blessings, please contact First Lutheran Church at 308-237-5544 . The cost of each Sunday broadcast is $165.00; but we will gladly accept whatever gift you would graciously give.

Sound, projection and video volunteers are needed during our Saturday and Sunday Worship Services. If you are interested in serving our church in this way, please call the church office 308-237-5544 or email office@firstlutherankearney.org.

First Lutheran Church always wants to extend its hospitality to those entering our doors before worship. In order to accomplish this we are wanting to strengthen our team of “GREETERS” at our worship services. We are currently in need of 2-4 Greeters at several of our services.  Would you like to be a GREETER at First Lutheran Church ONE WEEKEND a month? Please contact the church office.