The Women of the ELCA (WELCA) is a women’s organization that partners with the total ministry of the wider Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The organization affirms, supports and challenges women in their daily ministries at home and around the world.
Purpose Statement:
As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness in the church, the society and the world.
Vision of the Nebraska Synodical Women’s Organization:
Rooted in God’s Word, and responding to God’s undeserved love, we the Women of the Nebraska Synodical Women’s Organization (NSWO) offer our time and talents to God’s glory, to provide a vital ministry for our sisters of diverse ages, cultures and situations.
Women’s Circle Groups
Circle groups are WELCA groups that meet at a variety of different times each month for study and fellowship.
ABIGAIL – 3rd Thursday at 9:00 am (Sept – May) ; Chairs: Norma Weber & LaVon McLane
DEBORAH – 3rd Monday at 7:00 pm (Fellowship Hall) Chairs: Mary Balcom & Betty Young
Promoting gathering of materials for LWR (Lutheran World Relief) kits, cutting quilt blocks, etc.
GLORIA – 3rd Thursday at noon. Chair: Betty Kempf Prayer Partners program, support and help with the LWR Baby Care & Personal Care kits, provide magazine subscriptions to Sports Illustrated for Kids at YRTC and welcome New Members to FIrst Lutheran by delivering treats to their homes.
NAOMI – 4th Thursday at 7:30 pm. Chair: Mildred Bliefernich. Provide materials for quilts auctioned at Camp Carol Joy Holling; Taking pictures for Baptismal bulletin board & refugee welcome boxes
REBEKAH – 3rd Tuesday at 9:00 am. Chair: Marlene Kotrc
Support and help with LWR kits and sponsor collecting of soup labels for Mosaic.
SARAH – Whenever this group chooses. Chair: Bev Vacha Support Crossroads Center in Kearney.